
I have always been interested in the concept of ‘home’ and creating places where people feel comfortable. They say home is where the heart is. I like this statement. It doesn’t require the involvement of a fixed physical space or stereotyped participants. You can be single, partnered, a family, male, female, or whatever you define yourself as.

I also like the idea of redefining a ‘homemaker’ into someone who creates spaces, moments and experiences that help us connect to our world and one another.  It’s a form of curation. And although it can feel like it was discovered by accident, I think it comes from an intuitive, subconscious need to express who we are. We explore this through food, place, entertainment, and people.

We can all be accidental homemakers.

Welcome to the home I’m making in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

AngelaRoperphotoAUTHOR – Angela Roper

At the heart of my professional career, is a passion to be a catalyst for encouraging innovation and creating opportunities to celebrate the best of New Zealand designed products & services.  We are a land of creative thinkers that care about people and place. Cultivating an experience-driven, inclusive innovation culture is essential for successful organisations, and a powerful part of our New Zealand Story.

For nearly 20 years, I have specialised in developing inspiring retail environments and helping New Zealand businesses drive deeper customer engagement for growth.  I use design thinking and human centred design methodology to create transformational customer experiences.

My work has featured in New Zealand publications such as VIVA, Canvas, NEXT, Your Home and Garden, Air NZ’s Kia Ora Magazine, and overseas magazines including French Elle Decor, Australian Inside Out and UK Wallpaper.  I have also written articles for Prodesign, Interiors, NZ Home & Entertaining magazine and been interviewed for a number of TV programmes featuring articles on New Zealand Design.

“After talking to Angela Roper for an hour or so you realise this Auckland businesswoman is something of a zealot. Ideas to advance her cause sprout in every corner of her conversation, clever catchphrases blossom easily and her stories of success come naturally. And pretty soon you’re a convert to Roper’s way of thinking. But don’t worry, it’s not like she’s asking anyone to join a cult. She’s only asking that we believe in New Zealand design the way she does.”

Kia Ora (Air NZ magazine) Catherin Schaer, February 2007